Burst Your Bubble

A podcast about -isms and -phobias in pop culture.

Filtering by Category: genderism

EP67 - The One Where We Talk About Friends


EP67 - To put it simply, Friends was a phenomenon, not just influencing TV and pop culture, but American beliefs and values. Friends aired from 1994 to 2004, and while it may have been progressive for its time, now it just feels dated and problematic. But let’s take a closer look at how the show is essentially a time capsule, discussing how casual homophobia, gender stereotypes, sexism, transphobia, and racism can become a normalized part of society.

Art by Jeremy Ferris.

New episodes released the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month.


EP65 - Sam Smith, the Associated Press, and They/Them

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EP65 - Recently Sam Smith announced on social media that they use they/them pronouns. But when the story was picked up by the Associated Press - a news organization whose strives for "the highest standards of integrity and ethical behavior" free from "inaccuracies, carelessness, bias or distortions" - they used the wrong pronouns. 

You can find the full episode script here.

Logo by Jeremy Ferris.

New episodes released the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month.


EP56 - The History of Prom


EP56 - Prom is something just about every American teenager goes through, but how much do people know about the history of prom, a history full of issues concerning class, race, gender, and sex.

Art by Jeremy Ferris.

New episodes released the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month.


EP46 - Conversion Therapy in Pop Culture: From Will & Grace to Boy Erased


Conversion therapy shows up a lot in pop culture, but how is it shown? As a comedy? As a drama? What time period does the story takes place in? Because depending on what the answers are, these representations can be damaging, sending the message that conversion therapy is the problem of a bygone era.

Art by Jeremy Ferris.

New episodes released the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month.
